
**BEST Price Starboard Carve 2024


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Starboard Carve 2024

Close Out Starlite Carbon 139 | 159

Freeride di ultima generazione, docile, maneggevole, facile a planare

Disponibile nelle versioni Starlite Carbon e Wood Sandwich

“Is the Carve 159 perhaps the best board we ever made ? It glides automatically onto a plane with a flat bottom from the tail to beyond your front foot. You’ll love the smooth ride even in rough water, combined with a remarkable top end speed once locked in and flying on the iSonic inspired tail. Going into a jibe, enjoy how the board just wants to turn intuitively on its special Carve hip outline, while increased tail volume slingshots you back out on the exit and on to the next run”

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Simula Rateizzazione Findomestic

Messaggio pubblicitario con finalità promozionale. Offerta di credito finalizzato. IEBCC nel percorso online. Salvo approvazione di Findomestic Banca S.p.A. per cui HAWAIIANSURFING opera quale intermediario del credito, non in esclusiva.