
Promo Hydrofoil Neil Pryde Glide Surf HP


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Foil Neil Pryde Glide Surf

Hydrofoil Wing / SUP / Surf / Tow

GLIDE SURF creates a playground for building new surfing sensations. With a stable and fast take off no matter the surf conditions, the GLIDE SURF delivers superior gliding and controlled speed to ride waves as far as they can flow. On the wave, the Glide Surf allows you to fly through the sections and progress from straight riding to progressive foil-turns. Your imagination is now the only limitation to how you will use the waves and how far you will fly.

Pump from one wave to the next – see how long you can fly

Spedizioni  in Tutta Italia

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Simula Rateizzazione Findomestic

Messaggio pubblicitario con finalità promozionale. Offerta di credito finalizzato. IEBCC nel percorso online. Salvo approvazione di Findomestic Banca S.p.A. per cui HAWAIIANSURFING opera quale intermediario del credito, non in esclusiva.