AK e Ultimate Waterman, Zane Schweitzer, introducono una nuova entusiasmante gamma di foil e tavole, come compagno perfetto per il foiling a tutti i livelli. Dall’ultra versatile foilboard Phazer alla piattaforma foil modulare, puoi comporre la tua corsa alla perfezione.
Costruzione in carbonio reflex
Full biaxial carbon top deck.
Wood sandwich standing areas.
Heavy-duty foil connection.
La costruzione Reflex Carbon crea un’area estremamente forte e rigida, coprendo un nucleo in EPS fuso ultraleggero. La connessione della lamina presenta una piastra di carico ad alta densità per impieghi gravosi, che sostiene il carico della lamina e la collega al ponte superiore per una connessione diretta tra la lamina e il rider.
La parte inferiore del kick tail permette al rider di inclinare la tavola verso l’alto, aiutando a forzare il nose per sollevarsi e rilasciarsi dall’acqua. Riduce anche la coda che tocca l’acqua durante il pompaggio e la virata.
The slight nose kick prevents the board from pearling with enough curve to recover touch downs. The flat tail rocker maximizes paddle speed to help you get into waves early. It also ensures the foil angle is always 90 degrees when flying, helping to trim and maintain a balanced ride.
The rounded V on the nose helps prevent the nose from sticking on touch downs, instead recovering without losing too much speed. The mid-section runs into a single concave for maximum paddle speed. Larger models have a longer release edge optimizing the early planing at lower speed.
The concave deck makes it feel much more stable and comfortable when paddling. This allows you to push your chest forward and really get a lot of power getting into the waves, keeping the board stable. It also makes you feel more connected to the foil with the advantage of the extra volume on the rails for stability.
Packing a surprising amount of float in such a short length reduces the swing weight, keeping the board easy to pump and turn. The volume is optimized for stability and getting you into waves as easily as possible for the relative size.
The widest part of the outline is quite far forward for easy paddling, while the curve in the outline keeps the flow for mid-turn touch downs. Faster to paddle, easier to push the nose into waves, and less chance of catching the nose through turns.